Yr 10 SEN Group Mask project

For several years I have worked on a supported learning program for students with learning difficulties and or SpLD .  I developed a number of Art and Design modules including the Mask project with specific learning objectives that prepare the group for the possibility of entering Yr 11 GCSE Art and design examinations. I worked with the students and specialist teachers to design learning strategies for effective understanding of the subject and find achievable methods to develop independent learning skills and further student’s creativity.

The Mask project introduced the African traditional art of mask making, a wide range of materials and the symbolic nature of masks.  Students were encouraged to use their own drawings, digital and printing skills to create their own  individual masks that tell the world something about themselves.

This was a 10 week module that included collage, digital design, print making and 3D construction. Students produced a final piece and went on to complete their GCSE in Art & Design.

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