GCSE Graphic Design

Examples of exam work for GCSE Graphic design – DLD College London June 2013 For 3 consecutive years I wrote the scheme of work for the Yr 11 GCSE Graphic Communication course.  I designed the course to engage students in the design process, gain experience of materials and processes, contextual understanding through artist research and write up which enabled  students to form the bases for a personal and informed response to the exam questions.

Close up of cards and paper products

Close up of cards and paper products Student work

Exam question 1: Greetings Cards and Wrapping PaperDesigners such as Edward Bawden, Paul Catherall and Tom Eckersley have combined flat colour and careful shape editing to create illustrations that have sometimes been used on items such as greetings cards and wrapping paper. Research appropriate sources and produce designs for a greetings card and wrapping paper set for a celebration of your choice.







GCSE Graphic communication: Student work

Exam question 2: Collage, Layering and the Found ImageThe Pop artists Peter Blake and Richard Hamilton have used collage and layering techniques in their work. The illustrator Sara Fanelli uses a variety of papers, found images from magazines, Victorian woodcuts and different styles of lettering in her work. Research appropriate sources and develop your own designs, using collage, layering and found images, for one of the following: food packaging. bag both sides complete copy

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